The effect of Multimin given to ewes prior to mating and lambing

Dr Hensie Lategan from Bredasdorp Animal Clinic shares his views on one of the latest studies conducted on sheep with Multimin.

Herewith a summary of the results obtained from the study:

A 2023 Australian study on five commercial farms with 1,484 ewes evaluated the effects of Multimin with Copper supplementation given 30 days before mating and lambing. Although the conception rate remained unchanged, key benefits were observed:

Lamb survival increased by 9% at four weeks post-lambing.
Lambs in the treated group weighed 2.31 kg more at 12 weeks.
Ewe mortality was 1.3% lower (not statistically significant).
Economic analysis showed an extra AU$23 per ewe in income.

This study once again supports the use of Multimin at strategic times - remember that Multimin is not intended to replace daily oral trace minerals. It supports an existing well designed oral feed program that follows NRC requirements.

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